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Man, I'm really craving a Labatt with the fellas.

Why is Labatt Blue assaulting me with incessant YouTube ads? What does this say about my own personal demons?

I Just Labatt Blued Myself

Recently the harmony of my nuclear family American life has been disrupted by outside forces.

Those forces are awful, cheap, nefarious, and awful Labatt Blue advertisements that have been inundating me when I'm watching YouTube videos.

The main culprit is the $500 (CAD) production seen here.

(I don't know how to embed a YouTube short, blame Labatt)

Our main antagonist in this ad has a line that lives rent free in my head.

It's "You guys are here too?!"

Labatt Guy Terror

That man, INSULTS ME!

I've never had the urge upon seeing my friends randomly show up to say that dumb shit. It's pretty rude to show up unannounced. No class.

Fun fact, our friend Phil used to tell us he couldn't make it to guys weekends post college only to show up on the first night in a total peacock maneuver. We would casually turn from our conversation and say "Oh what's up Phil" and continue. There was much enjoyment on his deflation.

Anyway I've seen the above Labatt Blue ad approximately 500 times at this point. And it's breaking my sanity.

I'm pretty sure I've been targeted because in the last year I've traveled to Canada a couple of times for work. I'm sure my marketing profile only really has one descriptor "Drinks way too many Miller Lites, light beer guy" and since my passport crossed over the border the algorithm was like, JACKPOT BABY.

Since the above ad is so god awful it did do part of it's job, it made me think about Labatt Blue entirerly too much. So much so that I went down on a rabbit hole of old Labatt commercials.

The result? They were much better! One of them is probably now my favorite all time Beer ad. They need to remaster these, reshoot, whatever, frame by frame and they'd have gold on their hands.

In the three spot is a real treat. You've got good old fashion mysogny mixed immediately with progressive gender norms.

Also after his friends turn into chicks at the end he checks out their tits. Nice.

Seeing this spot made me understand some tragedy must have befallen the old marketing executives at Labatt. This is the sort of weird shit they should be leaning into. If you are going to attempt to gain market share with the giants of light beer, why the fuck not?

"HE'S NOT COMING!" I love it.

This is the chefs kiss, the pièce de résistance, the best of them all. Now to the casual observer it may appear this is a typical beer ad, what's so great about it?

It's a masterclass in acting from JD's brother from the show Scrubs. He has the most odd cadence and delivery of his lines, he immediately comes off as a pyschopath and I am here for it. What really sells it are his eyes. Cold, vacuous eyes that stare through you and imagine what you would look like hanging naked and afraid from the rafters of his 'cozy' Canadian cabin.

It didn't take long at all and we've already got a sample size of vastly superior marketing product from this company. Maybe our findings will light a fire under their ass to turn back to their roots.

You can make cheap ads that are fun and stupid, and you can make cheap ads that are soulless and make me hate you. Let's go with the former.


I'll Labatt Murder You


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